Death Stages 1 & 2

Death stages 1 & 2 are completely different from each other.

  1. You must try and contact medical help of some sort while injured and/or Stage 1.

  2. In Stage 2, a medical professional can revive / heal you, however this doesn’t give you a reason to “remember” your past scenario and/or 20 minutes leading up to your injury.

  3. When a medical professional revives you, you must not run away from the roleplay scenario. Roleplay your injuries correctly.

  4. You are not allowed to return back to the location or join in the scenario you were previously in for a minimum of 20 minutes. Anyone caught breaking this rule, will be sent to prison for X amount of time that is necessary and be left in a locked cell, unless you appeal against your ban.

Stage 1 is pre-death, meaning that there is the potential to attempt to communicate with those around you via /me or via voice (if the script allows it).

Stage 2 is when your character is flat on their back and is unconscious/dead. When you arrive at a medical facility, you will not remember anything from the scenario you were just in.

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